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Diews by Virginia
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Liberation is one of the key words of our time. Borrowed in more recent years from WW II efforts to drive out invaders and thus return a country to its rightful ownership and the manage- ment of its own affairs, it has today be- come a catch word for all manner of groups who feel that their situation in the world is not what it should be. The black race wants to be liberated from its segregated and discriminatory position. The Indians, Puerto Ricans
and Mexican American groups caught fire from the success of the blacks and now fight for the return to them of a fair and equal place in the sun. Now women have taken up the term in their fight for equal rights and privileges and even the homosexual world has gotten into the act with "Gay Liberation."
I have mentioned Womens Liberation several times in past issues and the fact that I had joined the National Association of Women (N.O.W.) and have suggested that other FPs do likewise. Having read a good deal about the subject, attended meetings, listened to lectures and talked with a number of women involved in this movement I am coming to understand it from the woman's point of view. One morning recently I came to and lay in a half dozing state for quite a time. Gradu- ally I became aware of the fact that I had a sort of vague guilty feeling as though I had done someone wrong and owed them an apology for it. I felt sort of dirty for having done this deed and felt a need for making restitution some way. Gradually it dawned on me that I was feeling guilty for having been Charles a man. Now Charles did not knowingly